Logo & Trademark Licensing

Logo and Trademark Licensing

Updated List of Approved Vendors

Become a Licensed Vendor of the School District


Central Columbia owns and controls the use of its name(s) and other marks, logos, insignias, seal, designs, or symbols that are associated with the School District through a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania registered trademark.  These include, but are not limited to, the words “Central Columbia,” “CC,” “Central Columbia Bluejays,” “Bluejays”, along with the School District seal, institutional marks, or any derivations there from.  The image of the Central Columbia Bluejay (school mascot), and its likeness are trademarked items and cannot be used without permission.

In order to meet the public demand for goods bearing Central Columbia marks, the school district allows manufacturers of these goods to acquire a non-exclusive or in some cases an exclusive, royalty-bearing license to produce, market, and sell such goods.  Central Columbia is represented in these licensing matters through an exclusive agency agreement with Learfield Licensing Partners of Winston-Salem, NC.  The contact person at Learfield is Tim Sears (336-896-7907 ext. 210) tsears@learfieldlicensing.com.  The administrative responsibility for the licensing program rests in the Administrative Office and the point person is the Superintendent of Schools.  All artwork approvals for Central Columbia marks must be approved by the Superintendent.

The purpose of this Policy Statement is to provide guidance as to the permissible use, as well as restrictions on the use, of Central Columbia protected marks.  This Policy Statement also sets forth the responsibility for granting permissions and licenses for such use.

Any individual, organization, or company wishing to use Central Columbia trademarks for any purpose must obtain permission to do so from Central Columbia School District.  All commercial use of Central Columbia’s trademarks must be licensed and shall be regulated by the Superintendent’s office of Central Columbia.

Use of Central Columbia’s marks without license or permission is strictly prohibited.  Central Columbia will take whatever measures necessary to protect its trademarks from infringement.


Trademark means a name or symbol or combination of both which identifies the source of a product or service.  In the case of licensed goods, a trademark also enhances the desirability of a product and, when properly controlled, can increase the value of the product as well as the goodwill inherent in the mark.

For the purposes of this document, “trademark” is used to indicate any or all of the following:  trademark, trade name, service mark, logo, insignia, indicia, emblem, symbol, identifying mark, mark, and name.

Infringement means unauthorized use of a trademark that belongs to another, or use of a trademark so similar to that of another as to cause confusion in the minds of the public as to the source (affiliation or sponsorship) of the product or service.

Licensing Agent means one who acts on behalf of another on issues related to the manufacture, distribution, and sales of goods bearing protected marks.

Licensor means one who contracts to allow another (licensee) to use licensor’s property (trademark) in exchange for payment, usually royalty as a percent of sales.

Authentic means the article is identical to what players and coaches wear during games and practices.

Replica means the articles looks identical to what players and coaches wear but may vary as to material, quality, or manufacturer.  Replicas are not the same as authentic.

Promotional License is a limited term contract between Central Columbia and a company, organization or individual in which permission is granted to use Central Columbia marks in a commercial promotion.  A fee may be charged for promotional licenses.  The Superintendent of Schools at Central Columbia must approve all promotional materials in advance.